Monday, December 12, 2011

Score agreement and Social actions

Back again with more teasers :). This time, i want to show you guys how Score agreement and results look like.

It is a very standard way to visually design it, what we made a little more clear is the result: its automatically being calculated as you click living and dead groups, as opposed to showing both territories like KGS does, or Wbaduks extremely confusing lack of komi in the calculation.

Also, i want to show the Context menu where you can perform actions on users. It has now 4 items:

Private chat: which doesn't work :). Its not yet implemented. Originally i was going to add a Chatbox like Gmail/Facebook. Its not so difficult to do, but in the end i saw a much better solution from a third party software. Which one? secret yet, it will be a surprise later on. It blew my mind off, because its really slick, fast, modern and all. But we are probably a few months away from that becoming a priority.

User info: it simply opens a new tab with the user profile page

Muzzle: This is a community asked feature :). It was proposed in the feedback section and it is now implemented. People can muzzle one guy at a time, and if 5 people muzzle someone, he cannot send more messages. He is not disconnected from the server, but he cannot chat.

Give Karma: our own +1. When we roll out into production, we will make karma a big deal. Many people contribute to the community in many ways, even if they are not strong or wealthy, and karma is the right way to recognize their efforts. As users get more karma, they will get special marks and recognitions, and who knows ,maybe even some benefits.

Even though we are wrapping up 3-4 features a day, they spawn like never-ending zombies. Our private development log went from 15 features before my arrival, and now it has 46. For every 3 i put down, i put 5 new ones.

Polishing is really the hardest and most laborious part of games. It is tricky to think that the ability to play is just enough to make a good service. That way you calculate a fraction of the work.
But now, that has turned fully playable (including a rating system) a zillioni pending things have sprung out. Details that look like little work like showing move numbers on the chat, or hiding kibitzer chat from the users playing end up being part of a swarm.

And we are battling the swarm, and killing it like bosses :).
This week we have to finish the time systems, and some more details. After that, polly will work on design and i will do the deployment. If we dont find any big surprise, we estimate that next week's friday we might have the server up for an Alpha.


  1. Hola. It looks like you are using japanese rules for scoring. Are you planning on adding additional rule sets? Also there is a very uncommon corner case in the japanese rules which you might have forgotten: the torazu sanmoku.
